Thursday, April 07, 2011

How Eating Beans Can Lead To Weight Loss

I've always known that eating beans can lead to weight loss but because of high uric acid in my blood chem result, my doctor forbade me to eat beans more than once a week.

Years ago after a major health crises, I went on a beans and green leafy vegetable diet. My weight went down. I lost 10 lbs and increased my energy level. But like all diets, it became boring. My bean recipes were admittedly limited. Today though, you can find lots of variations for a delicious bean recipe online.

I found this interesting article about beans beating weight gain:

Quoted from Nigerian Tribune

"Interestingly, if you are one of the millions of people worried about how best to lose weight or are unsuccessfully battling your weight, regular consumption of beans is a unique way to make your weight loss goals much more successful and easier to attain.

Of course, you can’t cheat nature by eating anything you want; but there is a new discovery, backed by real science, that seems to violate the laws of biochemistry. It suggests that taking certain foods like beans with one’s daily meals of starch and sugar carbohydrate foods in a way may aid weight loss.

These foods promote weight loss by interfering with the breakdown of complex carbohydrates thereby reducing, or at least slowing, the digestive availability of carbohydrate-derived calories and/or by providing resistant starches to the stomach."

Beans are a common staple in many third world countries where obesity is not prevalent. Beans contain alpha-amylase, a neutralising enzyme which blocks starchy food from breaking down and being absorbed into the body.

By including beans in your daily diet you may expect the following health benefits:

1.) Protection from breast and other forms of cancer.

2.) Improvement of symptoms of menopause.

3.) Strengthening of bones.

4.) Reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

5.) Protection from weight gain.