Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is It Possible To Eat Healthy Foods At Restaurants?

If you love to eat at restaurants, either with friends or family, it is possible to maintain your healthy lifestyle by making the right food choices.

You can skip the appetizer as this contains  lots of fat.  You may go for a veggie salad as a side dish. Make sure this is not loaded with mayonnaise or any fatty dressing.

Skip the drink section.  But if you feel like drinking, a small glass of red or white wine is all right.

For the main dish, choose the healthiest food the restaurant is offering.  You can also request that some ingredients be removed from your favorite dish.

Skip the dessert section as well.  If the restaurant offers fresh fruit, then order that instead.

Restaurants serve big portions.  When you order, ask for a doggie bag.  Split your meal in half and put what you won't eat in the doggie bag.

On special occasions, you can cheat a little.  But make sure this does not happen very often.  You might feel compelled to attend every birthday, wedding or anniversary celebration just to indulge.

Let your common sense rule, not your appetite.

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