Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Can you transform your body in only 49 days?

Transform Fat to Muscle With the Amazing 49-Day Body Transformation

This article got to me. The surety that one can transform one's body from mush (fat) to muscle in 49 days is amazing.

Can you imagine your fat stomach disappearing and in its place are hard muscles? I can. My son was able to do it. Took discipline and gym work to accomplish the feat, but he did it. He is now fit and slim as he was never before. His 'fat loss bible' is Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle fat burning system.

Here's Tom Venuto's answer to the question above:

"YES, it really is possible to transform your body from mushy with rolls of fat, to muscle with six-pack abs in Just 49 Days.

I’ll show you how in this article and the before and after pictures will prove it (more stunning transformation pictures below).

I’m sure some people are thinking, “Yeah right – I’ve heard this before, and I’m surprised to hear it from you Tom, because you’ve never been a quick fix guy.”

Read the complete article here:

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